you sick & tired of figuring out on how to be an expert in HTML?"
"Here's How You Can Learn HTML Quickly & Easily With These Step-By-Step Video Tutorials"
"In Just A Few Hours or Days Following Our Step-By-Step Online Video Tutorials, We're Confident You Will Be Able To Understand & Work With HTML Much Better"

From: Jaye Pause, Brad Webb and Paul Coonan
Subject: HTML Simplified For Beginners |
Dear friend,
Let’s face it: Learning HTML is essential if you have a website!
Quite simply HTML is a must for anyone who plans to create or maintain their own website. It is also worth understanding for a wide range of applications beyond that as well. HTML is a great skill to have whether you need to learn how to create web page structure, colors, graphics, links, or embed images or videos.
We remember the days when we first started out with web design and creation ….We were excited to begin setting up our site and creating a real impact online ---- We were certain that we'd have all the things we need in place in no time at all ---- That is until we faced HTML! We felt like we were facing a mountainous challenge to learn how to use this unknown language.
HTML had us at a complete loss!
We couldn't even imagine where to start…. After making an effort to implement a few basics we had some luck, but overall we were stumped! We tried to source instructions to master this 'foreign language' ……. Great idea until we saw that the whole thing was total “web design jargon.” The exercise was a waste of time and left us no more enlightened on how to use HTML.
What we wanted, just like you need now, was a straightforward and systematic explanation, or even better, a visual tutorial. We needed to be shown step-by-step exactly how we could progress through the process of creating a HTML site. Finally, following weeks of seeking a solution, we found the perfect answer. We had found a way to go from a total HTML beginner to an expert with HTML in a matter of hours-----Now we'd like to show you how you can do the same!
These video tutorials are an excellent tool whether you’re new to HTML or an experienced web user looking to expand your knowledge base. Once you uncover these essentials of HTML the creation of a vast range of professional, high quality web sites becomes second nature - allowing you to establish your online presence with speed and ease.
Learning to master the techniques of HTML is possible with these totally unique video tutorials:
- Discover how to generate an attractive background for your website through a tutorial dedicated to this subject
- Easily manage the HTML code necessary to organize your website content into a well structured and aesthetically pleasing format
- Jazz up your website text by learning HTML shortcuts that will increase the speed and consistency of your text formatting process
- Learn how specialized Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) will allow you to make on-site changes to efficiently design your website
- Use graphics to the best advantage to entice readers and improve the overall appearance of your site
All this and so much more will be covered in the HTML video tutorials!
If this sounds perfect for your learning needs, then………..
"HTML Simplified For Beginners"
video coaching series come in the form of
12 videos that you view on your computer. We've included a full list
for you here:
Video 1 - An Introduction To HTML
The first video of the HTML Video series serves as an introduction to the HTML programming language. The HTML language is the key to how your browser interprets the code that makes up a web page; understand HTML and you'll be on the way to creating your own fantastic website in no time! Video
Time: 5 min 38 sec
Video 2 - The Basics
In video 02 of the HTML Video series, we uncover the basics of a web page. You'll learn how to understand the key elements of HTML and how easy these are to use to create your very first web page. Video Time: 16 min 24 sec |
Video 3 - HTML Meta Tags
In Video 03 of the HTML series we'll explain the specifics of Meta Tags or Meta Elements. These are a great tool to enhance your web page in the eyes of the search engine crawlers; plus they're a crucial part of how your site is indexed by search engine bots. This is a not to be missed video if you want to propel your site up the search engine ranks! Video Time : 7 min 39 sec
Video 4 - The Web Site Background
While watching video 04 you'll learn the potential pitfalls when setting your background color. We'll also reveal a variety of methods to enhance your site's background, plus show you how to create a dynamic page background - all using HTML. Video Time : 12 min 53 sec (Part 1) , 12 min 3 sec(Part 2), 6 min 44 sec(Part 3) |
Video 5 - The Tables
Creating structure for your site is the focus in video 05 of the HTML Video series. Creating order out of chaos is the theme here - don't miss this if you are looking for extra ideas to make sure your site offers the best possible experience for your web page visitors. Video Time : 16 min 32 sec |
Video 6 - The Text
In Video 06 of the HTML Video Series, We'll reveal how to make your all important website text leap off the page when your visitors arrive at your site. Your words don't need to be dry and lifeless - with the knowhow you'll have after watching this video, you'll truly be able to inject some life and zest into your words and letters! Video Time : 10 min 33 sec |
Video 7 - The Colors
Video 7 on HTML will really brighten up your day - revealing the many wonderful options to put a little color into your site. We'll explain how to understand HTML colors, as well as show you how to make them a part of your web site. Video Time : 6 min 25 sec |
Video 8 - The Graphics
In this video in the HTML video series the technicalities of inserting graphics will be simplified for you. We'll reveal just what compression is, why you need to know about it and when to use JPEG or GIF images.
Video Time : 21 min 20 sec |
Video 9 - Web Design
In video 09 of the HTML series you'll be introduced to the ins and outs of web design. This lesson shows you all you need to know to ensure your page looks great and loads quickly, ensuring your site is more user friendly. These factors are crucial to keep viewers interested in your site - and we'll show you how to get these right. Video Time : 17 min 32 sec |
Video 10 - CSS and SSI
Don't worry that we're suddenly going to go all 'jargony' on you! In this video we simply cover exactly what Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Server Side Includes (SSI) are. These aren't complicated - but they are great little tools which will really help you to work smarter on you site.
Video Time : 21 min 26 sec |
Video 11 - Preparing To Go Live
Video 11 of the HTML Video Series starts to tie up the loose ends of your website. We'll explain what to look for when choosing a good hosting company for your site. You'll learn how hosting works, how to select a domain name (and even get some for free!) plus how to successfully upload and publish your site. This video is a must see!
Video Time : 10 min 23 sec |
Video 12 - Show Me The Money
The final video in the series covers how to make some extra cash from your site once you have it up and running. We'll reveal some excellent and some lesser known ways to make some cash from your website, draw masses of traffic and convert visitors into buyers! Video Time : 7 min 27 sec |
WOW ! With so much covered We're sure you can see how valuable this package really is!
Please don’t be fooled into thinking that other similar products available can deliver as much as this video tutorial program…. The reality is there is no other instruction method, training, or tutorials available today that can equal let alone outperform the this HTML Video Tutorial series.
Here’s Why You MUST Try This System :
It’s GUARANTEED to work for you or it’s FREE!
Here's What Other Products or Training Systems Offer :
- No guarantee of your results
- Incomplete information that leaves you still looking for a quick, easy way to learn and truly master HTML
- Learning programs that assume you remember everything covered without providing supplementary materials to reinforce your learning
Here's What The HTML Video Tutorials Offer:
- A guaranteed learning program that ensures you have nothing to lose
- An affordable training system that provides you with results that truly work
- Visual learning that is highly targeted and provides you loads of relevant information
- An interesting and time saving option - you get the information you need without having to read lengthy, boring books which can take weeks or months to get through
We'll Top Up Your Fool-Proof Passport To Success With My Unconditional 100% Iron Clad Money-Back Guarantee! |
Also, if at any time whatsoever within the next 8 weeks, you feel for any reason that our product fails to live up to our promise, simply let us know and we'll immediately give you a 100% refund of your purchase price, no questions asked.
that fair or what?
That means you can try out all the videos at our risk, while you
see if they work for you or not. And if they don't produce, we
honestly want you to ask for your money back.
being said and done, all that remains is for you to put the video
tutorials into action. The ball is now in
your court, click on this link to download
your videos.

Pause & Brad Webb
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Just think! You’ll never again suffer through the pain and
hassle of trying to learn HTML. Now, you can get these tutorials all shown for you,
practically handed to you on a silver platter. You simply
watch the videos at the comfort
of your home...and you’re practically done in a few hours!
Remember that you've got nothing to lose with my 8-week
ironclad money-back guarantee. You have 8 weeks to review
HTML Simplified For Beginners and if it does not deliver what it promised, you can return it
for a prompt and courteous refund.
P.P.P.S: Look at it this way -- $17 is really a painless drop in the bucket
compared to the time & money you're going to waste trying to figure it our all by yourself.
The statements and examples on this website are not intended
to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same
results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or
her desire, dedication, marketing background, product, effort
and motivation to work and follow the video tutorials. There is
no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize
any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital.