Gordon Taylor:
I am an experienced Internet Marketer and have been making my living on line for about 6 years now. I have tried other traffic sources and belong to many of them. However, SOTAM is without a doubt the best targeted source I have ever used. Simply stated THERE IS NONE BETTER and it has increased my bottom line by more than 40%. I intend to ramp up my membership to the top level and use this as my exclusive safe list source.
Jordan Keyes:
I have had success with the 1500 button upgrade. Having the 2 extra hyper linked Viral ads that are put into rotation with others ads has been driving traffic to my website with no extra work or pay. I would definitely recommend anyone upgrading from the free account to any of the other buttons!!
Rick Eriksen:
Wow! Got my first sale from SOTAM and I will now upgrade for the 2nd time. Thanks so much!
Doug Forbes:
I love Button Escalation! It allows me to mail to a great many more then my Upgrade allows, saving me a great deal I can use elsewhere. Button Escalation always gives me rewards. I have NEVER had a mailing from SOTAM that did not get me signups and being able to mail 5000 instead of 3000 nearly doubles the worth of my upgrade-just for doing what I would have done anyhow...opening my mails. SOTAM is the best bargain and best mailer of it's size, or any other!
Keith Hones:
At Home Business Work Opportunity my sales increased since upgrading @ State-of-The-Art-Mailer-System. Thanks for the Help Guy's, keep up the good work!
Vickie Dingman:
It is a great place to advertise, and it has many more things to offer than other sites. It is very space oriented and it takes just a few minutes to get your bearings but it is well worth your time.
Thomas Keoppel:
I love SOTAM. It is like a cool toy that I find a new way to play with every time I use it! Way to go Brad and Jaye!
Frank Astheimer:
Hi Guys! First I was sceptic but then after I upgraded to the highest level and sent out some ads, I made many optins and many SALES. Therefore I can only highly recommend you to go for the highest level. It is really worth it! Frank Astheimer
David J Ovens:
Hi Brad & Jaye! Having had a couple of weeks to compare the shared lists I am a member of, I can safely say that SOTAM has by far brought me the most referrals and Sales to my Business Opportunities by a long shot!! The click rates are awesome with well over 500 clicks on every mail sent! My last mail got me 17 referrals and 3 sales - cool :) I am very Impressed! Thanks Guys, David J Ovens
Marion Johnson:
First of all I want to thank everyone who has had a hand in creating a very responsive mailer that is unique and works. I have had a number of sign ups in all the programs I have chosen to promote in SOTAM! I suspect that as SOTAM grows I will also grow. Awesome program gentlemen. Thanks for all your time and hard work.
Mark Bravo:
I got 3 sales in one day with SOTAM i just really want to thank you guys so much. It really does work!!!
Scott Mclain:
Running ads on SOTAM has been fantastic for my sales! Thanks and keep up the great work.
Angel Lopez:
Yes, I have made 11 Sales! And 4 Sales for one of my small ebooks!
Edit Gentile:
Yes! After using SOTAM for two months, I decided to upgrade to the 10,000 Button Level as one of 100 Viralists. Just one day later I have two downline, one of whom upgraded their membership! Thank you SOTAM!
Walter Bayliss:
So far I have done two sends using the 7500 Button and made over $250 in sales. WOW!!! What a result. You have done it guys... A terrific program.
Brenda Spencer:
SOTAM is the only site that I have found that actually gives me members in my website. I have started to make money in my main company and I have gotten 1 member in my downline in SOTAM. It think this the best safelist ever. Thank You, Brenda
carmen sofia malinescu:
David Gange:
Excellent, made three sales in my first mail! This is awesome! Thanks guys for putting together something which works!
Karola Moos:
First email sent by using the 1500 button. Result 123 clicks, 4 signups. Great!!!
Zahrin Othman:
Just try it. It's so powerful!