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Explanation of the Button Escalation System.

Solution You may think this is confusing at first but it really is very easy to understand.

As a free member joining, you are able to instantly email 500 members every 5 days automatically.

However, by being active (meaning clicking through ads in your email or the Unclaimed Solo Ad or Extended Solo Ad area inside) you will gain spendable credits that will allow to "Escalate" to higher levels and send your advertisements to more people.

Here are the Button Levels amounts you can mail to and any restrictions on how higher you can "Escalate" with each:

Free members are capped at the 3000 button Level.
1500 Button Level members are capped at the 5000 Button Level.
3000 Button Level members are capped at the 7500 Button Level.
5000 & 7500 Button Levels have no button cap.
Viralist Button Level moves to highest populated button level available automatically.

By upgrading your account, you begin at whatever button level you have upgraded to and you never go below that button level.

This means that if you upgrade to the 1500 Button Level and send out your mailing, you will not drop down lower than the 1500 Button Level .

Please refer to the video below for additional clarification:

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Article details
Article ID: 5
Category: State-Of-The-Art-Mailer
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (228)

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