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2,963,485,060 Emails Since March 2010!
Now At SOTAM, Golden Solo Ads.
Email Your Business Opportunity To

30,000 Members!

Fill out the form below to join now!
(By Filling Out This Form, You Are Agreeing To The Terms Of Service)

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More Than Just A Mailer. SOTAM Is THE One-Stop Shop For All Your Digital Marketing Needs!

  • Golden Solo Ads - Email to 30,000 members at any time you wish with a Golden Solo Ad.
  • Win a Golden Solo Ad - Win a Golden Solo Ad that goes out to 30,000 members in our weekly drawing. Refer a winner and you get a Golden Solo Ad as well. Losing tickets are converted to Time-Bonus Banner Ad time that can run on our banner network.
  • Click-For-Cash (CFC) Ads - Earn cash for viewing ads. Members who send at our Viralist Button Level get free placement in this section.
  • Time-Bonus Ads - The first Time-Based Advertising System of it's kind. Run a 468x60 banner on a network of websites & blogs for FREE!
  • Hyperlinked Viral Ads - Hyperlinked Viral Ads randomly rotate on the index page which gets thousands of views.
  • Button Escalation - Our "one-of-a-kind" virally engineered system to EXPLODE your click rates!
  • Viral Queue System - The higher you upgrade, the faster your email ad goes out. When there is a line in our email queue, upgraded members move to the front of the line.
  • Upgrade Trial Discounts - 6 month upgraded members can test out higher upgraded levels at a fraction of the price. As your initial 6 month upgrade matures, the price on higher upgrade levels decrease daily -- Why not TRY before you BUY!
  • Loyalty Renewal Rewards Discount - As a 6 month upgraded member, you will enjoy a 5% discount each and every time you renew on your ORIGINAL PRICE. Over time, this can add up to some real savings! It's our way of saying thank you for your loyalty.
  • Framebreaking Email Tester - Reduces the amount of framebreaking sites that cause members to lose valuable credits.
  • Automated Bounced Email Cleanup - If a member has an email address that bounces, an automated system will require that member to enter a new address when logging in.
  • Proprietary Recruiting System - This allows you to create an instant downline using a widget.
  • An original script with features that have never been seen before!
  • Four simple, yet INCREDIBLY effective ways to advertise!
  • .... And so much more!

From The Desk Of: Brad Webb SOTAS Co-Founder

Dear Fellow Marketer,

Part of the inspiration behind the creation of SOTAM was our own desire, as marketers, to see something new and fresh in the internet advertising community. Our primary goal is to get your ads out fast, while providing superior click rates... all at the same time! Additionally, we wanted our members to enjoy a steady stream of income that wouldn't die out in a short period of time. Too often, programs explode on the market only to dwindle away after their members lose interest. SOTAM has been "engineered" to keep you coming back!

How do we do that?

By taking some of the best features on the market now AND including our very own proprietary programs listed below. The result is a revolutionary viral sensation that is not only appealing to the eye, but also to the pocketbook by providing speed and quality to your ad submissions.

I am a member of many different online mailers.

I use these types of services to promote my business for one reason only - they work.

That said, of all the mailers I'm using, NONE work as well as State-of-the-Art-Mailer, and I've tried almost all of them...

Every single email I send out consistently produces at least 900 click-throughs to my promoted website and, most importantly, a steady stream of the visitors I receive from these promotions become customers for the product I am promoting.

If anyone is looking at your service and has any doubts about it's effectiveness, ask them to contact me and I'll set them straight. Besides my own in-house email list, the mailer you've developed here is the most responsive email list I've ever delivered my promotions to.

I appreciate all that you've done to create this service and your continuing effort to make it better and better for members like me every day.

"Thank you for providing another highly effective mailer system that I can gladly recommend to anybody."

Stone Evans

Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
- Developer of the Plug-In Profit Site
... where making money is as simple as flipping a switch!

Button Escalation Makes It Happen!

In short, Button Escalation rewards members by viewing your ads. The more they view, the higher the Button Level they can reach and the more members they can mail!

This will be the first of many state-of-the-art sites we will be launching over the next few months and years. Our promise is to always bring new and fresh ideas to these sites that will challenge conventional wisdom and move the internet advertising community forward. 

SOTAM Drives Floods Of Traffic To Your Offers And Increases Your Overall Conversions...

"I absolutely love SOTAM! I have used it from the start and received about 600 REAL visits just from ONE single mailing, and that was when it was at 9,000 members. It is the first ad tool I hit on my advertising list. Safe moneymaker & real advertising... You can't go wrong here."

Maryanne Myers
Maryanne Myers

Member Hyperlinked Viral Ad
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